ITC Advisory Council
Texas City ISD is grateful to these individuals for the guidance and leadership they have provided to bring the Texas City ISD skilled craft programs to our students. This concept has been in the works in Texas City ISD for many years, and these individuals have provided countless hours in the planning and implementation of the new Texas City Industrial Trades Center. Their partnership now brings us to this day when we can further support our community by providing skilled workers to fill the workforce pipeline.
Chairman: Alan Hutchins
Amy Arrowood
David Barron
David Barron
Hal Biery
Kristopher Boedecker
Kevin Bogard
Dr. Carla Boone
Ben Breedlove
Carling Caldwell
Shanna Castanie
Richard Chapa
Don Covert
Clint Croft
Peggy Davenport
Dr. Carla Boone
Ben Breedlove
Carling Caldwell
Shanna Castanie
Richard Chapa
Don Covert
Clint Croft
Peggy Davenport
Dedrick Johnson
Randy Dietel
Jack Dill
Dr. Melissa Duarte
Pete Dunn
Randy Dietel
Jack Dill
Dr. Melissa Duarte
Pete Dunn
Jeffrey Fletcher
Michael Godinich
Raymond Guidry
Dave Hake
Kermit Harris
George Haynes
Michal Henderson
Benny Holland
Dr. Steven Horton
Brooke Hrach
Michael Godinich
Raymond Guidry
Dave Hake
Kermit Harris
George Haynes
Michal Henderson
Benny Holland
Dr. Steven Horton
Brooke Hrach
Alan Hutchins
Alexis Kopp
Alexis Kopp
Tony Kott
Nelida Lamb
Nelida Lamb
Jerry Leblanc
Margaret Lee
Shane Long
Jeffrey Matter
Donnie McCoy
Sal Mellado
Paige Michel
Sam Navarro
C.T. Nelson
Pete Nowobilski
Perry O'Brien
Bob Parker
Paige Parrish
David Pastalaniec
Chris Rhoads
Danny Roberts
Bill Shaw
Capt. Jason Smith
Ron Sokol
Mike Stilley
Michael Stirrat
Nathan Swerdlin
Lee Taylor
Sonny Tholcken
Carla Thompson
Shawn Trader
Robin Turner
David Van Essen
Estela Vasquez
Michael Walter
Andrew Warren
Andrew Warren
Geny White